Saturday, September 13, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 11-13

Tom's Take:

I'm going to just combine the last three weeks of boredom into one big post, because maybe that'll be exciting?

1. Caleb

HOH: 50
Strategy: 180
Social: 160
Show: 150
Alliances: Bomb Squad Loyalist
Awards: Most improved player

Caleb winning Big Brother 16 would be an entertaining finish to the season, and the guy has played a surprisingly good game, and in more than just winning comps. 

2. Christine


3. Cody

Strategy: 100
Social: 120
Show: 70
Alliances: The Detonators, Hitmen, 
Awards: N/A

Cody is Derrick's sidekick, but unfortunately that puts him in a good position to win, which I think would be the least desirable outcome for me personally at this point. 

4. Derrick

HOH: 80
Strategy: 240
Social: 200
Show: 150
Alliances: See Cody, Plus Team America, and Derrick and Victoria
Awards:  Current favorite.

If Derrick doesn't win Big Brother 16 will finish outside the top 15 Big Brother seasons, and if he does win it'll be finished around top ten. In other words this season is mediocre, but if Derrick doesn't win it will be down right awful. Guy should win though, he seemingly has things locked down. 

5. Frankie

HOH: 0
2 POV's: 50
Social: 140
Strat: 160
Show: 60
Alliances: The Detonators
Awards: N/A

Frankie shouldn't have allowed the rewind button to be pushed, but he couldn't help himself, and it fucked him.

6. Nicole

Show: 50

She's Gone again. 

7. Victoria

Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 100
Alliances: NA
Awards: My Crush, Pawn Star

If the pawn advances to the other side of the board she can become a queen. #TeamVictoria. #QueenVictoria.

In all seriousness Victoria should have 50 grand coming to her at the end of the summer when she's the goat taken to final two. 

I stick by that.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Caleb: 900
2. Zach: 730
3. Frankie: 720
4. Derrick: 650
5. Nicole: 530
6. Donny: 520
7. Devin: 490
8. Victoria: 450
9. Cody: 380
10: Hayden: 240
11. Amber: 220
12. Brittany: 190
13. Jocasta: 180
14. Christine: 130
15. Pow Pow: 110
16. Joey: 80

Gameplay Rankings:

1. Derrick: 1855
2. Frankie: 1380
3. Cody: 1335
4. Caleb: 1220
5. Hayden: 860
6. Victoria: 760
7. Nicole: 710
8. Christine: 705
9. Donny: 600
10. Zach: 470
11. Amber: 165
12. Jocasta: 160
13. Brittany: 90
14. Pow Pow: 40
15. Devin: 9
16. Joey: 0

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