Sunday, March 16, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Weeks 1 and 2 Game and Show

Tom's Take:

Well we're off, and I'm back to doing another BB blog. So I've been super busy, and only started to get caught up on the feeds this weekend, although I still have trouble watching them online. But here we go, let's get into scoring these houseugests!

1. Adel

 Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 20
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Outsiders

Adel is the mostly invisible member of the Outsiders, an alliance that is crumbling very swiftly, yet that sort of puts Adel in the Dan from BB10, but I just don't think Adel has the game in him to pull that kind of turnaround. That said Adel is liked enough in the house, and poses such a minimum threat that I see him surviving past the point where the House alliance turns on each other.

2. Andrew

POV: 30/30
HOH: 50/100
Strategy: 140
Social: 140
Show: 60
Awards: Top Player of Week 1
Alliances: First Five, Guys Alliance

So Andrew is one of the Four players I consider to be in the top tier of the house. He's in the First Five Alliance which is working both sides of the house with members from both the Guys and Girls Alliances. Andrew is playing a great game in that respect, and is currently holding a lot of power in the house, and seems to be naturally gifted enough to run with this game, much like Emmett did last year. However my one complaint is that he's TOO much of the front runner, much like Jesse from BB11, and I think it's too early in the game to have so much control. I think his ultimate fall will be THE major turning point of the game.

3. Arlie

Strategy: 150
Social: 150
Show: 20
Awards: Safest Player
Alliances: First Five, Guys Alliance

Arlie is just outside of the top Four of the top tier of the house, just because I don't see him as connected as the other members of the First Five, but this is not a bad thing. As the joker of the First Five Alliance, Arlie will be in the position of jumping ship at some point and taking real control of the game much like Andy did in BB15. That said, I'm not seeing a huge amount of action from him until we reach the jury house. He's just too comfortable in the current House Alliance which is made up of the Five Guys and Five Girls all under the thumb of the First Five.

4. Anick

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 40
Evicted 1st

Poor Anick, and her Love Revolution. this was clearly just a case of the sore thumb sticking out and getting voted out first.

5. Kyle

Strategy: 10
Social: 20
Show: 50
Evicted 2nd

Kyle was allied with Paul and Adel, stupidly. I missed the feeds, so I don't really understand Kyle's eviction, but it seems like he was just the most threatening seeming of the Outsiders.

6. Kenny

POV: 30/30
Strategy: 160
Social: 160
Show: 40
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Guy's Alliance

Kenny is the brains behind the Andrew/Kenny duo, which puts him in a much better place than Andrew himself. He also has a really good connection with Jon, which seems somewhat onesided on Jon's part, since Kenny seems to be more into the First Five. He's one of the Four Players at the top tier, but he also seems savvy enough to get himself out of any situation where the top tier of house is turned on.

7. Heather

Strategy: 20
Social: 10
Show: 30
Awards: Worst Player Still in the Game
Alliances: All the Girls hate her for no reason.

I have no idea why everybody hates Heather, but they do. Is it because she's blonde?  Does it have something to do with her voice? I dunno, but she's in a lot of trouble..

8. Paul

HOH: 20/100
Social: 0
Strategy: 10
Show: 80
Awards: Even worse than Heather
Alliances: Outsiders

Haha. Actually Paul is worse than Heather. Seriously, such a terrible player. But he's a number if anyone wants to try and turn the game around. So there's that.

9. Neda

Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 30
Awards: My personal Favorite
Alliances: Girl's Alliance, Bond with Jon

 Neda is currently my favorite player, and despite getting nominated by Andrew, I think she's fine. She's a pretty solid 2nd Tier Player, but also has a connection to Jon which is one of my major hopes to turn the house around, hopefully she'll realize she needs to strike soon, and not Liza this up.

10. Jon

Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 40
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Boy's Alliance, Bond with Neda

The other half of the Neda/Jon pair, Jon is a solid 2nd tier player, who is planning to strike at the right time. His biggest weakness? His devotion to Kenny.

11. Ika

Strategy: 80
Social: 60
Show: 70
Awards: N/A
Alliances: Girl's Alliance

I'm not going to spoil next week, where Ika is currently screwing her game over, but Ika is my prediction for being the first casualty of the House Alliance, and the point where people realize the house needs flipping. In the mean time, she is quite fun. And she's definitely got sass.

12. Rachelle

Strategy: 60
Social: 80
Show: 40
Awards: Hottest Girl in the house
Alliances: Girl's Alliance

Rachelle should join a club with Jillian from last year in being way hotter than her picture. Seriously, what is wrong with the BBCAN camera man. Anyways, she's a very under the radar player, who'll probably make it far but not have a real chance at winning.

13. Sabrina

Strategy: 160
Social: 160
Show: 20
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Girl's Alliance

Sabrina is playing a great game, but she's a little too emotional. I sort of see an Amanda in her, where she has a lot of control in the game, but ends up making some poor decisions. We'll see how that plays out though.

14. Sarah

Strategy: 180
Social: 180
Show: 20
Awards: N/A
Alliances: First Five, Girl's Alliance

Currently playing the best strategic and social game from my point of view, I see her as playing a more refined version of Sabrina's game, but with better connections to the guys. That said, I see signs of weakness from her, and I worry that she won't be ruthless enough to finish up the game.

15. Allison "New Girl"

Show: 70

Welcome to the House Allison! Canada knows you much better than most of the HG's, so you've got that going for you. We'll see how you do once your immunity is up though.

Showplay Rankings:

1. Paul: 80
2. Ika: 70
3. Allison: 70
4. Andrew: 60
5.Kyle: 50
6.  Anick: 40
7. Jon: 40
8. Kenny: 40
9. Rachelle: 40
10. Heather: 30
11. Neda: 30
12. Adel: 20
13. Sabrina: 20
14. Sarah: 20
15. Arlie: 20

Gameplay rankings

1. Andrew: 380
2. Sarah: 360
3. Kenny: 350
4. Sabrina: 320
5. Arlie: 300
6. Neda: 200
7. Jon: 200
8. Ika: 140
9. Rachelle: 140
10. Adel: 40
11. Paul: 30
12. Kyle: 30
13. Heather: 30
14. Anick: 0
15. Allison: 0

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