Sunday, February 23, 2014

Survivor Season 28 BBB Preview

Tom's Take:

Another Season of Survivor is upon us, and I'm sorry about this preview being a bit late, but I've been busy at work. So the rankings for this season may be highly irregular.

So for starters this season has a few big twists,

for one the Hidden Immunity Idol is back to being super powered, which sucks, since whoever finds it will probably get a free ride to the final tribal.

There is an elected Tribe Leader who has to pick a weakest link to get an immunity idol clue. I will have to predict who those people are.

The tribes are divided into beauty, brains, and brawn which will play out in some interesting ways, as people will have to try to live up or down to their tribe name, which should be entertaining.

Beauty Tribe

1. Morgan

Morgan is very very hot. My prediction is that we won't hear much of her confessions, but I do think she'll end up making it much further than most people are predicting, but she'll get hurt near the end of the game, and then show up to be a surprisingly vocal bitter jury member.

Pre Prediction: Late Juror

2. Alexis

Alexis will probably end up being seen as the weak link of her tribe, and be the odd girl out of the trio on the Beauty Tribe. I could easily see her as the first boot.

Pre Prediction: Early Boot

3. Jeffra

Ah the classic country girl stereotype. I think Jeffra will be incredibly boring tv, but make it pretty far because she won't make any waves.

Pre Prediction: Late Juror

4. Brice

Brice will get picked as the "weakest" member of his team, and maybe he'll find the idol so he can make some waves with it, but ultimately get voted out before the merge.

Pre-Prediction: Pre-Merge

5. LJ

LJ will be the leader of his tribe, and everyone will just fall in line with what he says, except Brice who he has to get rid of early. LJ is one of my early calls to win, with Jeffra and Jeremiah being his sidekicks, but ultimately I think the Beauty Tribe will be unable to go the distance and win the game.

Pre-Prediction: Early Juror

6. Jeremiah

I think Jeremiah will bro down with LJ, and also be close with Jeffra and Morgan. I think the tale of the second half of this season will be the tale of all the remaining Beauty Tribe members being eliminated one after another. I think Jeremiah will be either the first or the second one eliminated, right after or before LJ.

Pre-Prediction: Early Juror

Brawn Tribe

7. Cliff

Another pro-athlete. I think the Brawn tribe will ironically lose an early challenge and "vote out" Cliff, as a way of hiding the fact that he is actually quitting the game. I give him maybe nine days tops.

Pre-Prediction: Early Boot

8. Woo

Woo is another Carter in the making, as I think he'll be boring TV, but he's gonna make it pretty far, and maybe even take home a couple of individual immunity wins. I see him losing a late one though, and getting eliminated at that point.

Pre-Prediction: Late Juror

9. Tony

Tony might get to the end with Sarah, that's another possibility I see for this show taking, but I also see Tony crashing and burning when there's a tribe swap and people don't think they need his strength. I think I see this as a more likely scenario, but if he plays well at the start, I'll easily bump him up to a serious contender.I think he'll elect himself the leader, and that "power" will go to his head.

Pre-Prediction: Pre-Merge

10. Sarah

Sarah is one of my top contenders to win this season, but if Tony blows up, I think she'll end up being tainted by it and limp into the merge, but I think she'll end up being entertaining on the jury.

Pre-Prediction: Early Juror

11. Trish

I actually think Trish could be a fun hippy character, but my guess is the Survivor editors will end up ignoring her, until she gets blindsided on the jury.

Pre Prediction: Early Juror

12. Lindsey

Don't judge a book by its cover, except for Lindsey. I think Lindsey can totally be read just by first glance. I hope she is entertaining before she burns out. She'll be named the weakest, but won't find the idol.

Pre-Prediction: Early Boot

Brains Tribe

13. Spencer

Spencer is making waves before the game even begins, and I actually see him going far in this game. In fact, I think he'll make it to the Final Tribal, but won't be able to get any votes. He'll be the Russell Hantz of the season, and I think he'll stupidly want to be the leader of the Tribe.

Pre-Prediction: Runner Up

14. Garrett

I think the Brains are going to overthink themselves and vote Garrett out surprisingly early in this season, leading to the Brains going on a brutal losing streak.

Pre-Prediction: Early Boot

15. David

I don't really know professional baseball, but David's resume kind of impresses me, and doing an Iron Man is tough as balls. I think David will scheme to take out Garrett early, and team up with Spencer who he'll think he can manipulate only to end up getting backstabbed a little later on.But if that doesn't happen, he'll be a contender.

Pre-Prediction: Pre-Merge

16. Latasha

I have this crazy conspiracy that Latasha, J'Tia and Spencer end up dominating this season, and Latasha is the one with the best social connections, so she ends up stealing the game at the end. It's such a weird theory, but that's what I'm going with.

Pre-Prediction: Winner

17. J'Tia

I think J'Tia will prove to be miscast at the end of the season, as we all think she should have been on the Beauty Tribe. Seriously, I'm expecting her to be a disappointment who goes really far.

Pre-Prediction: Runner Up

18. Kass

When the Brains Tribe starts losing members, Kass will be jettisoned as the weak link.

Pre-Prediction: Early Boot

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