Thursday, February 27, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 28 BBB Episode 1 "A Hot Girl With A Grudge"

Tom's Take:

What an amazing premiere of this season of Survivor. I absolutely love how this episode gave us a strong introduction to all the characters of the season, at least touching on all of the different characters so that we can recognize each of them, and also giving us the basic strategic situations with each of the three tribes, while also having time for some moments of pure comedy.

And some cool challenges, with an amazing comeback in the second one!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Survivor Season 28 BBB Preview

Tom's Take:

Another Season of Survivor is upon us, and I'm sorry about this preview being a bit late, but I've been busy at work. So the rankings for this season may be highly irregular.

So for starters this season has a few big twists,

for one the Hidden Immunity Idol is back to being super powered, which sucks, since whoever finds it will probably get a free ride to the final tribal.

There is an elected Tribe Leader who has to pick a weakest link to get an immunity idol clue. I will have to predict who those people are.

The tribes are divided into beauty, brains, and brawn which will play out in some interesting ways, as people will have to try to live up or down to their tribe name, which should be entertaining.