Monday, December 2, 2013

Five Drinks Into TV: How I Met Your Mother Final Season Episode 12 "The Rehearsal Dinner"

Tom's Take:

This was actually a really good episode. All of the characters were in top form, and the ending of the episode was also pretty cute.

We're at the halfway point, and with 12 last episodes, what are my 12 favorite things about How I Met Your Mother?

1. Barney Stinson was a top rate character.
2. The heart. This show was often funny, but it also always had heart.
3. Ted's romantic gestures.
4. The first season finale.
5. Marshall and Lily being happy and stable.
6. The bar.
7. All the drinking.
8. The Slap Bet.
9. Robin Sparkles
10. Barney falling in love with Robin.
11. Marshall and food.
12. Robin was not the Mother.

Episode MVP: Barney had a great episode. Although props to Ted for the costume, and Lily had some good moments, and so did Robin. Great episode.

Rating: 9.0 out of 10

This was a good episode, that made me laugh several times. Barney was in fine form, and the ending of the episode also had some hear.

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