Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Week 9 Game and Show

Tom's Take:

So Andrew got screwed by trusting the true Showmance. Yeah. Saw that coming.


Strategy: 20
Social: 70
Show: 85
Alliance: True Showmance
Awards:  Challenge Dominator.

Jill would have been better off with Gary getting voted out, but since Gary won veto, I guess she didn't really have a chance. 


Strategy: 20
Social: 20
Show: 140
Alliances: N/A
Awards: N/A

I'm actually kind of rooting for Talla, although I think Emmett deserves to win.


HoH: 100/100
Strategy: 100
Social: 70
Show: 140
Alliance: True Showmance
Awards: Projected Winner

Emmett is playing such a dominant game. I hope he wins. He really deserves it. Seeing him interact with Dan this week just confirmed how smart and in the know he is. He talked with Dan as a strategic equal, and I think he is. Emmett may not be a super flashy player, but he's just go such great social skills.


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 90
Alliance: N/A
Awards: N/A

Andrew, you were actually a lot of fun this season, and one of the better players this season, but you got stuck with the True Showmance. 


PoV: 0
Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 40
Alliances: N/A
Awards:  Future Allstar.  

Welcome back Gary. You don't deserve to be there. But you give Talla a shot to win  as you are the ultimate  jury goat. I don't even think you're that entertaining.  


1. Peter 980
Talla 955
3. Andrew 710
4.  Alec 685
5. Emmett 685
6. Jillian 630
7. Gary 615
8. Topaz 590
9. Tom 415
10. Liza 255
11.  Aneal 165
12. AJ 146
13. Suzette 146
14. Danielle 70
15. Kat 50


1. Emmett 1735
2. Jillian 1340
3. Andrew: 1225 
4. Peter 995
5. Talla 750
6. Alec 705
7. Topaz 570
8. Gary 500
9. Liza 420
10. Tom 370
11. Aneal 310
12. AJ 140
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

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