Saturday, April 13, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Game and Show Week 7

Tom's Take:

I am disgusted by the twist. They shouldn't bring people back. They got voted out! Ugh. I'm now rooting for Emmett and Jillian, just because I don't want the twist to screw up their game.


HoH: 100/100
Strategy: 100
Social: 80
Show: 125
Alliance: East Coast
Awards:  N/A

The only weakness in what Jillian did this week is that she could have burned Jury votes. My only concern for Jillian is that I don't think she can beat Emmett in the Final 2. But she has won multiple HoH's and is set up to be in the final two unless something really shocking happens. Of course, production is trying to make it happen by bringing back Gary, but that's artificial bullshit. Other than that, Jillian is playing a great game.


Pov 1: 50/50
Pov 2: 10/50
Strategy: 0
Social: 20
Show: 140
Alliance: Dead Man
Awards: Future Allstar?

I almost threw up when I read the spoiler that Peter didn't use the veto on Topaz. He was my pick to win for so long that I tried to defend the move, but I just can't. He had a chance to take out Andrew, and instead he took out Topaz a potential ally. It's the AJ vote all over again. It was just terrible. I'm no longer even rooting for you Peter. I'm sorry. I'm team Emmett all the way now. 


Strategy: 50
Social: 30
Show: 40
Alliances: East Coast Floater
Awards: N/A

Talla's in the dominant alliance, so good for her, but I really don't think she's got a chance to win at this point. No one respects her game.


HoH: 60/100
Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 90
Alliance: East Coast
Awards: Projected Winner

Emmett continues to play the game a winner would play. Good for him. I no longer think that he is running Jillian's game, but they make for a truly powerful team. I'm cheering for them to be in the final 2. His only error this week was putting up Talla because she annoys him. 


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 70
Alliance: The Shield
Awards: Worst Move for throwing the PoV.

Alec had this coming. That's all I have to say. And what was he thinking throwing the PoV. If he had won and Peter had been up against Topaz, the Shield might have stayed. Instead he threw the game away. 


Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 20
Alliance: East Coast
Awards: Best Move for starting the East Coast Alliance,

Andrew is another potential victor in this game, as he is playing a strong game and people like him. He needs to go to the end with Talla though, and not with the True Showmance.  


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 70
Alliance: Shield Attachment
Awards: N/A

Topaz got screwed over by being aligned with two people who weren't smart enough to realize she was aligned with them. Sorry Topaz. You deserved better. 


1. Peter 800
2.  Alec 685
Talla 675
4. Topaz 590
5. Gary 575
6. Andrew 480
7. Emmett 475
8. Jillian 470

9. Tom 415
10. Liza 255
11.  Aneal 165
12. AJ 146
13. Suzette 146
14. Danielle 70
15. Kat 50


1. Emmett 1335
2. Andrew: 1065 
3. Jillian 1000
4. Peter 945
5. Alec 705
6. Talla 660
7. Topaz 570
8. Gary 500
9. Liza 420
10. Tom 370
11. Aneal 310
12. AJ 140
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

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