Friday, April 5, 2013

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother Canada Game and Show Week 6

Tom's Take:

This was a great week of Big Brother featuring the downfall of the Shield and the house splitting into an East vs. West battle. I'm rooting for the West, but let's face it, the East is playing the better game. Let's get to it.


Strategy: 80
Social: 90
Show: 75
Alliance: East Coast
Awards:  N/A

Jillian is the hottest girl in the house, and she's started to play a very good game. She may even be slightly better positioned to take this thing than Emmett although I still feel like Emmett is calling the shots in their alliance. If Peter leaves the game, I also think that I'll end up rooting for Jillian and Talla to be the Final Two. That would be awesome. 


Strategy: 15
Social: 25
Show: 110
Alliance: The Shield
Awards: Future Allstar

Peter is being edited to be a lot better gamer than he actually was this week. Honestly the best thing I can say about his game this week is that at least he's not Alec. 


Strategy: 85
Social: 80
Show: 220
Alliances: East Coast Floater
Awards: N/A

Talla had a lot of drama this week as she got into blowups with both of the nominees, and she was also the crucial battleground in the East vs. West battle in the house. She ended up going with the East due to her connection with Andrew, although the West will continue to court her, and if she has the savviness, there's a route to victory playing them against each other.


Strategy: 100
Social: 100
Show: 45
Alliance: East Coast
Awards: Projected Winner

Emmett is playing the game flawlessly at this point, and because the Shield dropped the ball he is ready to pick it up and run with it to the end. Unless something drastic happens he or Jillian will reach the end, and I just see Emmett as the stronger of the two. 


Social: 0
Show: 75
Alliance: Gone
Awards: Future Allstar, 

Gary Glitter is gone, and it was his time. The show is switching to pure gameplay now, and there's just no room for his drama. 

Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 20
Alliances: Gone
Awards: Pawn Star!

Goodbye Pawn Star. Your eviction set off some great drama. 


Strategy: 0
Social: 0
Show: 200
Alliance: The Shield
Awards: Worst Move for voting out AJ to keep Andrew to go after you.

Alec lost himself the 4G alliance to keep Andrew who is now part of an East Coast Alliance set against him. Is it fair to say this was a terrible move? Yes. Then he treats Topaz like shit for no reason causing everyone in the house to basically think he's an asshole. Thanks for tossing your game in the toilet and putting Peter in danger with you. Terrible. 


POV: 25/50
HOH: 80/100
Strategy: 90
Social: 80
Show: 160
Alliance: East Coast
Awards: Best Move for starting the East Coast Alliance, Best DRs,

Andrew just took the game by the balls while Emmett and Jillian have slowplayed into a great position. The question is if he's really dumb enough to go with the power couple to the F3. I don't see him beating either of them in F2, so if he does that he's already guaranteed a 2nd at best placement. 

HOH: 10/100
Strategy: 10
Social: 30
Show: 240
Alliance: Shield Attachment
Awards: N/A

Production really screwed over Topaz by broadcasting her convo to the house, and she also lost Gary, her closest ally in the house. The drama with Alec was pretty amazing this week as we got a breakup and then slowly watched the two get back together. Overall Alec's treatment of Topaz has left a nasty taste in my mouth, and I think if the producers didn't hate Topaz so much she'd be a future allstar.  


1. Peter 660
Talla 635
3.  Alec 615
4. Gary 575
5. Topaz 520
6. Andrew 460
7. Tom 415
8. Emmett 385
9. Jillian 345
10. Liza 255
11.  Aneal 165
12. AJ 146
13. Suzette 146
14. Danielle 70
15. Kat 50


1. Emmett 1075
2. Peter 865
3. Andrew 865
4. Jillian 720
5. Alec 705
6. Talla 580
7. Topaz 570
8. Gary 500
9. Liza 420
10. Tom 370
11. Aneal 310
12. AJ 140
13. Kat 90
14. Danielle 80
15. Suzette 35

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