Saturday, October 6, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 25 Episode 3 "This Isn't A We Game"

Tom's Take: 

The Kalabaw Tribe continues to get the editing shaft, while Matsing continues to self destruct.Will they be able to bounce back? Here are my thoughts.

Team Russell or the Matsing Tribe. They get 0 bonus points since they lost the challenge. They're down to three, which means that they could get completely dominated in any sort of merge situation.

 Russell Swan: (54 points) Big points for surviving this episode, although I have to wonder why he didn't spend any time looking for the idol. Maybe he's just dumb? Still his performance in that diving challenge was horrendous. He should have just delegated all the work to Malcolm and Denise, since they were better at it anyways.

 Angie: (38 points) I liked Angie for a sort of Natalie White like takedown of this season, but alas it was not to be. The Matsing Tribe was too dysfunctional for a weak player like her to make it far, and in all honesty, she probably should have gone before Zane.

 Denise: (43 points) Denise would be such a great players in a tribe that was strong enough to win some challenges to keep itself afloat. Unfortunately she's in a really bad position, and her and Malcolm are going to have to scramble to make it very far. I hope she has gotten her teeth sharp from all the Tribal Councils like Russell Hantz' tribe in Samoa, and she finds her strategic gameplay up to the task.

 Malcolm: (53 points) Malcolm is going to go on an individual immunity run at some point, but I don't think it'll be enough to protect him from the inevitable doom of not having the numbers.

Kalabaw aka Team Penner gets 15 points for another first place finish, although many of the tribe only have competition points to their name.

 Penner: (65 points) Teaming up with Jeff Kent is an interesting move. I'd love to see this tribe go Tribal Council to see how it pans out.

 Dana: (47 points)  She continues to be neglected.

 Dawson: (43 points) She continues to be neglected.

 Carter:  (44 points) I think Carter spoke in this episode!

 Katie: (43 points) She continues to be neglected.

 Jeff Kent: (60 points) How the hell do you even do a 4 fingered hand shake?

Team Mike Skupin or the Tandang Tribe. 10 bonus points for 2nd place finish. I also predict the winner will come from this tribe since they continue to get air time even when they don't go to Tribal.

Mike Skupin: (63 points) Skupin continues to hurt himself.  And now he's pissed off Artis. Way to go dude.

 Abi Maria: (53 points)  She flipped on RC for seemingly no reason, but now she has an idol, so good for her. I did not see that coming.

 Artis:  (41 points) Artis is mad at Skupin for cutting up his face, so now Skupin must go!

 RC: (70 points) I wish she had just sayed screw you to Abi Maria and tried to find her own idol. Now she's in trouble, and I don't think she realizes it.

 Lisa: (50 points) Lisa got a lifeline here, and she's just so damn sweet, that she could pull a win at Final Tribal if she made it that far. I'm putting her officially on the list of likely winners.

 Peter: (50 points) I can't believe I'm saying this, but Peter is in charge of the Tandang Tribe? Wow. He's finally showing a winner's edit. Is this like the three episode breakout move? Is there such a thing?

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