Thursday, May 10, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 13 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor Season 24 Episode 13 "It's Human Nature"

It's an all girl finale!

Kim is a brilliant player. If the jury doesn't vote for her to win that's a travesty.

So I think Kim will win. Is there any more to break down?

I'll cover everyone's gameplay with a final player rankings after the finale, but for now let's just break down the final 6.

1. Kim (288 points): The way she flipped Alicia on Tarzan is why she should win. That's brilliant manipulation right there.

2. Chelsea (168 points): She survived! Kim should take Chelsea just for being her sidekick. She's not an eloquent speaker, and she won't handle the jury very well. Just my opinion.

3. Sabrina (159 points): Sabrina will get all the bitter at Kim votes. Will that be enough to win?

4. Tarzan (134 points): Last man standing. I saw some good maneuvering out of Tarzan tonight. He's just no match for Kim.

5. Alicia (125 points): Will Kim take Alicia or Sabrina to the final 3? I think either one will turn bitter over Kim backstabbing them. I'd actually take Sabrina though, because I think Alicia would vote for gameplay, whereas Sabrina might not.

6. Christina (74 points): Will she get dragged to the end to lose?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 12 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor Season 24 Episode 12 "It's Gonna Be Chaos"

It's the family episode.

I think I'm the only person who doesn't like these. I feel like there's so much room for gameplay at this point in the  season, that the family reunions just take away from. Plus, doesn't it feel like the producers ignore character development for many people up until this point, only to then try and make them more likeable? I'd rather get more slice of life camp scenes frankly for the character development, and more game talk here.

Okay maybe I'm just a heartless jackass.

I did like most of the reunions actually, especially Tarzan's (great edit for him for once) although Kat's relationship with her cousin seems kind of odd to me. Whatever, who am I to judge?

I guess the game impact of the loved one visit, is that it sort of humanizes the 7 remaining players in the eyes of the others, so maybe the jury votes will be able to look past personal vendettas? Maybe.

Anyways, let's get into player rankings. We're down to only 7. Let's see if we can find pics with the loved ones.