Thursday, April 19, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 10 (I)

Tom Reviews  Survivor Season 24 Episode 10 "I'm No Dummy"

An inappropriate title if ever there was one.

This was a fun episode despite the outcome. I'm not gonna give Troyzan the Player of the Week award for various reasons, but he definitely made this episode more interesting.

This episode correctly points out the issue of timing in everyone's game, however I think the point that is lost here is that it's already too late for most of the moves that were made in this episode. The other interesting thing for me was for Kim to not play her hidden idol despite knowing Troyzan was coming after her. Is that arrogance or just her correctly reading the situation? Either way, I've decided to give her 10 points for every tribal council she survives without using the idol. Unfair way to give her points? Maybe. But there you go.

I'm doing pictures for everyone in the Top 8 next week, I promise!

Now for rankings.

1. Kim (161 points): I can't imagine being in her position and not using the idol. Troyzan just gave out a very compelling reason for the other girls to turn on her, and she should by all rights have been voted out. Instead she remains cool, and makes it through another tribal council of being called out as the leader of the women she most certainly is. Her issue of timing for this week was deciding whether it was time to turn on Christina or  Alicia yet. Troyzan was spot on for recognizing her "core four" of Kim, Sabrina, Kat, and Chelsea, but she decides to wait at least one more tribal council before turning on the other girls. She and Chelsea correctly agree it might spook the other girls. Instead she stands by the other girls and at tribal council argues against Troyzan's logic with her own mind control powers. Good work, at this point one of the core four will have to defect to unseat Kim. Otherwise the game is hers.

2. Sabrina (110 points): My girl made the top 8! I'm a genius! I gave Sabrina major personality points for her arguments with Troyzan, although I think it was with these that you can see how she's different than Kim. Whereas Kim is cool and collected, Sabrina is more of a hot head. This means she's a little more interesting for TV, but it also shows a lack of finesse in her gameplay. Kim is clearly the puppet master between the two. Now, should Sabrina turn on Kim? It would be an interesting to watch move, although I'm rooting for Kim at this point, but it would probably be for the best. Sabrina should try and take Alicia, and Kat to the finals in my opinion, but I don't think that's how this plays out. Instead I think Sabrina goes to final 4 with the core 4 and then gets voted out because she is unable to break up Chelsea/Kim.

3. Chelsea (106 points): I think Chelsea will buy into bringing Kim to the final 3 with her because she'll win more immunities than Kim. I think it'll be a mistake because in the finals, the jury will be more attracted to Kim's gameplay (at least I would.) Frankly, Chelsea doesn't seem to have a great grasp on how things are working due to her frustrated arguing with Troyzan. Honestly it seems that Kat has a better grip on the game, but Chelsea is hot and in the core four, and she has won an immunity already, so maybe she can pull this out.

4. Troyzan (105 points): I'm going to squelch my desire to call out the producers for setting up an easier win for Troyzan's immunity. Christina could have outbid Troy for the clue. It was a mistake for him to not just jump in with $500. Anyways Troy survives the week, and does one better by completely calling out Kim's gameplan. He tries to create a new order, but fails, mostly because he's working with idiots. Tarzan and Christina have no reason NOT to join him, Leif did make a move, and well Alicia seems to be fifth place wherever she jumps. Troyzan is fighting the inevitable it seems, because the core four now have control of the game, actually, even though they pretty much had control before. Troy's biggest problem is that he's a tribal council or two behind. He needed to be doing this all when he still had Jay or Mike and Jonas to work with. Instead he waited, and frankly I think he's pissed off Tarzan in the meantime so he doesn't even have the support of the other guy remaining. His other problem is his arrogance, and I almost wonder if he would be able to win if he made it to the finals. He pissed a lot of people off with his tactics tonight. Still, he's trying to play the game even if he's fighting the inevitable, so I give him major props.

5. Kat (68 points): She's much smarter than I originally gave her credit for. She seems to understand the gameplay part of the game quite well, and I wish we saw more confessionals of her strategizing.

6. Leif (64 points): Goodbye! I'll miss you! At least you voted for Kim, instead of going after Tarzan.

7. Alicia (53 points): I almost feel bad for Alicia since I see no way she wins this game. She seems smart enough to make a move, there just doesn't seem to be a move to make.

8. Christina (48 points): Edna part 2.

9. Tarzan (47 points): Am I coming around to him? Maybe a little. I actually wanted to see him win immunity, since I think all the Troyzan drama is doing is providing Kim some cover.

So there you go. Final 8. Kim vs. Troyzan. Social game vs. Comptetitor. Who will win? Kim obviously, but the previews for next week would have us believe otherwise!

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