Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Survivor Season 24 Episode 6 (I)

Tom Reviews Survivor Season 24 Episode 6 "Thanks for the Souvenir"

Wow. I have never had less sympathy for someone with appendicitis. Seriously, I feel almost as if Colton deserved what happened to him, which is brutal, but I mean he was the jerk who made the jokes about Christina falling into the fire.

Also, I have to admit that Colton leaving the game, and the tribes merging did really give me a surprise in an episode where I though there wouldn't be any. I expected Christina to get cut, and then for a merge, and the men to all get together again. Guess it's going to be more complicated than that.

I guess we might as well get to some player rankings now. Two points to the Salani members who won the Ice Cream challenge.

1. Sabrina (68 points): I really like Sabrina, but I'm very doubtful that she wins. She doesn't seem to be plotting enough.  She even recognized that the girls were gonna be picked off on Manono, and yet I didn't see her coming up with any way to counter this. I'm afraid she's a good character but will disappoint as a player.

2. Kim (54 points): She's now the only person with a hidden immunity idol, and I have a feeling she's going to use it. I promise to award her twenty points if she uses it effectively. Otherwise I have this feeling that she's only going to be able to use it to survive an extra week.

3. Chelsea (42 points): She helped in that reward challenge.

4. Alicia (35 points): Ugh. She went downhill fast with Colton. I'm ready to predict right now that she doesn't last more than two more tribal councils. I actually really sympathize with the face that Colton screwed her over by not giving her an immunity idol. What was she thinking treating Christina so badly though? Christina is now a juror, and on top of that she's totally going to flip on the girls to get Alicia out. Terrible gameplay.

5. Mike (26 points): These points are all from competitive wins. I'm not convinced he has any gameplay whatsoever.

6. Christina (25 points): Way to luck out! She went from 13th place to my prediction for 7th place for her now. What I think is going to happen is that she's going to be the Cochran of this season, and be the girl to betray her tribe to the men. But to be honest I don't think she's shown that she's got the skills to move any further than that. I do like her strategy in pointing out that Alicia was set with the girls though. That was actually smart, although it was falling on deaf ears since Tarzan and Colton sucked. By the way, Christina needs to check behind her when she's plotting. Alicia hearing her scheming showed crappy awareness on Christina's part.

7. Jay (25 points): I like Jay a lot more than this ranking shows. I've been awarding points sort of impartially based on challenge performances mostly up to this point, but I have high hopes that Jay will come out and show some strategic understanding. Here's hoping!

8. Troyzan (21 points): I don't dislike Troyzan, but I'm not really a fan either. I guess my opinion of him will ultimately depend on what he does in the next few episodes. Will he stick with the men, or with his new Salani tribe alliance. I think he'll go back to the men, based on a few of his comments, but we'll see. I think at this point Troyzan is probably the odds on  favorite to win, since he's in probably the best position of the game, and seems to be smart enough to know what do with his power.

9. Leif (21 points): I really enjoy the little guy. I'm a little disappointed we didn't see him have to choose between Jonas and Tarzan. (The right choice was Jonas by the way.)

10. Jonas (20 points): With Colton out of the way, there's going to be a power struggle among the men. On the preview for next week's episode, we saw Tarzan arguing with Jonas. I really hope Tarzan doesn't get his way, because even though Jonas sounds like a stoner when he talks, he's actually pretty reasonable in what he says.

11. Kat (14 points): Definitely not the brains of any operation. I have no idea where Kat will end up in this game, but I think if I was playing I would try to bring her to the finals with me. I can't imagine her winning the game over any two people still playing. (My ideal final three would include myself Kat, and Alicia by the way. I feel like that would be a sure thing for winning. I'd probably put myself in Troyzan or Jay's place to have the best chance for winning.)

12. Colton (7 points): Bye bye you bigoted mother fucker. You said some awful things and you even made some cruel jokes about Christina being MediVac'd out of the game. You probably could have won the game, but you were a terrible person, so I'm not sorry to see you go.

13. Tarzan (3 points): Tarzan is out of touch with reality. His determination to ally with Alicia over Christina shows that he has no concept of how this game is going. I hope he gets cut soon, but I have a feeling that people are going to want to keep him for the finals. Ugh. I'm revoking his wild card status.

We're merged! Wooo!

So we're at jury now right! The game should change from here. Will the season finally show some change, or will this season be the same as the last two, where one group sticks together till the end? Who will prevail, the men or women! I can't wait to find out!

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