Thursday, February 2, 2012

Five Drinks Into Thursday Night Television: A good Office episode? (I)

Tom reviews The Office Season 8 Episode 13 "Jury Duty":

I loved this episode and that really surprised me, because I haven't liked The Office for a while. I feel like the series has gotten to a lull, and even when it's funny there isn't a lot of plot development. This episode was different. It gave me hope that the series will improve and come to some sort of satisfactory conclusion.

First off, I loved the cold open. Having taken part in a stage production of Footloose in high school, I have a special place in my heart for Footloose. And tearing up the warehouse was fun to see.

I enjoy the fact that the main tension of this episode came from Jim being lazy. He really isn't a good employee, and I enjoy the fact that he realized that his actions had consequences and tried to make up for them. I'm hoping that this series will end with him leaving Dunder Mifflin, because it's clear that this job is not for him, and I just find it depressing for him to continue to work there.

The highlight of this episode was the writers finally revealing that Angela's baby is Dwight's, or at least heavily implying it. I loved Dwight trying to get Jim fired, but I loved his pompous fatherness even more. There's hope for Dwight and Angela yet!

Rating: 9.5 out of 10.

This episode was better than any other this season. We got to see a funny plot that actually involved Jim fighting to keep his job, and more importantly we got some plot development. Dwight is now a father, and I am curious to see how this will affect his character for the rest of the series. I was glad that Robert California was NOT in this episode. His presence is weird, and does not add to the show. I want to see this series find some sort of resolution for Jim's career, and for the Dwight/Angela relationship.

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