Thursday, February 23, 2012

Five Drinks Into Thursday Night TV: Kathy, oh Kathy (I)

Tom Reviews The Office: Season 8 Episode 16 "After Hours"

And we're back to business as usual for The Office, and by that I mean we're back to the monotony of a plot that refuses to move, and the characters remain stuck in a rut. I think I'll go through this episode and simply point to the things I like and the things I dislike. Let's start negative so we can end positive.

I hate that Packer is in the series.

I hate that Jim handled the Kathy situation in a cliche avoidy way, instead of figuring out an interesting or creative way to solve the conflict.

I hate the fake puke.

I dislike Nelly just wanting to sleep with someone.

I didn't care for Dwight's obsession with bed bugs.

I thought the whole Daryl situation with Val was awkward, and I'm not really interested in this romance or plot line.

Alright, now on to what I did like.

I liked the series of interviews with Pam, Angela, and Oscar.I like that they kept switching sides on each other.

I enjoyed Kelly just deciding to scream and complain during their after hours work.

I liked that it was Jamaican food.

I like that no one seemed to care that Jim was apparently hooking up with Kathy. These people were all at Jim and Pam's wedding, yet they don't appear to care at all!

I loved Dwight and Jim in bed together. That was a fun image.

I love Ryan hitting on Erin. That's so awkward and weird, I'm glad that it goes absolutely nowhere.

I love Florida Stanley. He's a jackass, but in a really fun way.

I love that Kathy is quite attractive. She's pretty hot, and I actually thought I recognized her from somewhere, but I looked up her name, and I got nothing. She should have more scenes where she's wearing less clothing.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Did I like more of this episode than I disliked? Yes, and that's why this is a positive rating, but this episode was nothing special. I'm actually being particularly generous because I think the actress who plays Kathy is hot, but I found this episode to be mostly forgettable. Unfortunately this is business as usual for the series, and while I was interested in how this whole Tallahassee plot would play out before, I have officially lost interest.

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