Monday, February 20, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 16 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 16 "Outlaws"

It could possibly be Day 26 on the Island and we know 19 out the 45 people alive on the Island. It's our second Sawyer episode!

So I'm going to divide Sawyer's flashback into three main parts. The first is his dream at the beginning of the episode, where his mother is in a panic, and just trying to make sure that Sawyer is safe. The child Sawyer, whose name might be James, hides under his bed and listens as his father brutally murders his mother, and then walks into Sawyer's room to shoot himself. That's messed up. Not just the brutal killing, but also the fact that he walked into Sawyer's room to kill himself. Did he know that Sawyer was under the bed? Was he planning on fucking up his son? I don't know but it scared the hell out of me. The callback to this scene later in the episode shows how much that boar is getting to Sawyer, and it made for a very interesting scene to watch.  I sort of wish that this was the only flashback we got in this episode, because I really loved what the writers did here, while I had mixed feelings about the rest of the flashbacks.

The scene between Sawyer and Jack's father was interesting to me. I liked it, but after I watched the scene I found myself asking "why did Jack's dad just open up to a total stranger?" It seemed kind of forced. I'm not going to question the way the writers rigged it so that Sawyer figured out the stranger in the bar was Jack's father, because I actually liked how they handled it. Although they dated the series a bit, since the Red Sox have won the World Series since then. I am sort of curious as to whether Sawyer is ever going to tell Jack about his run in with Jack's father. I feel like him holding back on that bit of info was a way to spite Jack, which I have mixed feelings about. I also found it weird that a drunk Christian could be so articulate about how proud he is of his son. Whatever. The best part of the bar scene was that Christian is trying to get Sawyer to make the hard choice, but in this case the hard choice is doing the wrong thing. The hard thing isn't always the right thing.

I liked that Christian was the one who convinced Sawyer to kill the Shrimp Man, and I like the twist that it wasn't really The Confidence Man he was after. I disliked that he actually killed the man though. I sort of feel like that's retconning the character somewhat. I just didn't feel like Sawyer was a murderer until this episode. And didn't that guy say that Sawyer wasn't the killing type? What was that supposed to mean? If he wasn't the killing type, why trust him to kill this guy for you? There's clearly going to be more backstory between those two, so I'll wait until we see it before I make any assumptions. I am confused as to how Sawyer managed to get out that jailhouse we saw him in during Boone's vision if he had committed murder. Was that scene supposed to be before he actually did the killing? Or maybe they just caught him with the illegal gun? I don't know. Maybe that's two more flashback episodes we need for Sawyer.

Okay, the whole boar plot line was dumb, but I loved it. It was a nice bit of comic relieve to ease the tension from all the zombie killing from the last episode.

Yeah. Hurley is totally spot on about Ethan being a zombie. I've decided that Hurley is supposed to represent what the audience is thinking and say it aloud. Is the Monster a Dinosaur? Is Ethan a zombie? These are the questions that Hurley asks, because we the audience are not actually on the Island to ask them.

I'm a terrible person, but I laughed when Locke just suddenly decided to open up about the tragic story of Ginny dying. It came out of nowhere.

Oh Lost writers. You're not going to stop until I ship Kate/Sawyer are you? It's not helping that all Jack seems to be doing is making googly eyes, and being jealous. I didn't realize he knew about Kate having to make out with Sawyer. I hope he doesn't believe Sawyer's implication that she slept with him. Although it's really only a matter of time before they do sleep together really. I'll admit that I'm starting to cave.

"I Never" seems like a really lame writing trick, but I still enjoyed watching these two play it, and getting to learn more about the characters. Sawyer and Kate both now know that they each killed a man, but what else did we learn about these two? Neither of them went to college, which was sort of obvious, but it sort of implies that they're more suitable to each other than Jack/Kate. Kate's been married before. Is that the guy she killed? Sawyer is a Republican, (the writers appear to have a low opinion of Republican intelligence, but hey, Sawyer is awesome) and Kate has never voted. I buy all that, but I don't know if I buy that Kate has never had a one night stand. Even if that's true, I have a feeling that's going to change with all these men she has chemistry with on the Island.

Sawyer swearing at the boar was hilarious.

Sawyer wears cologne, and Kate notices that Sawyer wears it. Oh these two are totally going to get it on soon. Jack better step up his game!

Battlestar Galactica. What I mean by that is that at some point in the series there's a time skip, (they can't have the same actor play Walt for five years and have him not age more than a couple month and expect me to buy it) and when they come back Claire has had the baby and is in a stable happy relationship with Charlie. Only we find out later that it's not as stable and happy as we would like. Then an evil Cylon steals the baby, and kicks Claire out an airlock. Okay, maybe not that last bit, but you get the picture. I think they're going to skip over the beginnings of their romantic relationship, and just jump into the middle of them being together.

Yeah, there's totally going to be a time skip isn't there? Like we're going to see Michael design a bunch of buildings on paper, and then boom, they're all there fully built! I'm going to award a bonus point if that happens!

Rating: 8.5 out of 10 boar vendettas

I debated a 9 or a 9.5 out of 10, but ultimately there were just a few things that annoyed me about this episode that prevented me from giving it an "A" grade. It was a really enjoyable and entertaining episode, and Sawyer really widened the gap in being my favorite character. I'm really not sure what it's going to take for me to finally get over this hump and think an episode is worth a perfect rating. I suppose that's why whatever it is will be so amazing, because I don't have any idea what it is and will never see it coming. Maybe it'll be a zombie episode? Okay if there's a zombie episode I'll give it a perfect 10. That and an episode with no flashbacks are guaranteed perfect scores. They don't even have to be that good besides that. So please deliver!

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