Thursday, February 16, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 14 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 14: Special

Let's pretend I know that it is Day 23 on the Island, and we know 21 of the people alive on the Island.

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

First off, I think this episode managed to deliver on the father/son drama I've been wanting, and I was pleased with the backstory for Michael. He didn't choose to give up Walt; his son was taken from him, and he did everything he could to stop that from happening. I got the distinct impression that Susan was a total bitch from the way she treated Michael, but I'm going to predict that we find out later that she was actually justified at least in part for what she did to Michael. Otherwise she treated him like crap.

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

I was also really interested to learn that Michael was lot like Claire's baby daddy Thomas, in that they were both artists who knocked up their girlfriends without having a real plan. Michael is a hundred times better than Thomas though. That guy was a dick. Of course in the present day story of this episode Michael is also a total  dick, but I can sort of understand by the frustration he must be feeling towards Susan, and Bryan who seems like an even bigger dick than Thomas. Although, maybe he was right to think that something was up with Walt.

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

I sort of want Locke to get like seven or eight followers to serve as like the Lockettes; like a special forces group within the survivors. Boone has apparently taken the role I thought Ethan was going to have and become Locke's lieutenant or apprentice. I want to see more of this, but I'm disappointed about the lack of boar skinning.  They need to kill more boars.

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

Charlie trying to stop himself from reading Claire's diary was cute. I also enjoyed seeing Charlie interact with Claire. Those two haven't spent enough time together since the first two episodes. I almost forgot that she was the first person to recognize him as a member of DriveShaft! Charlie's fight with Sawyer was cool too, and I'm glad that Sawyer wasn't a total dick, and that he didn't actually read it.

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

Okay, so the show just got me excited about this mysterious Black Rock, and I was hoping that the next episode would see them creating a team to find the Black Rock, but instead Claire just shows up? What the hell? I'm assuming that she's going to have had the baby, and that there will now need to be a team put together to go rescue him. I hope that baby isn't counted as one of the 46 crash survivors, because that throws off all my careful calculations...

Is Walt the anti-Christ?

I'm a little annoyed that Vincent the Dog is lost. I love that guy or dog or whatever you want to call him. I was seriously worried that he might have been killed by that polar bear.

Rating: 7 out of 10 times I asked "is Walt the anti-Christ?"

Think about it.

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