Monday, February 13, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 11 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 11 "All the Best Cowboys have Daddy Issues"

It's Day 17 (possibly) on the Island, and we seem to know 21 out of the 47 people alive on the Island. Or do we?

So the first thing I want to address is the fact that I almost killed Charlie. Yes I know it wasn't technically ME doing the killing. It was the writers, or if you want to believe that this fiction universe is real then it was Ethan Rom. It's completely irrational to think that I was the one killing him, but that's how I felt watching this episode. In my last review I predicted that Charlie would die,and I sort of believed it would happen, but sometime distantly in the future. I did not expect him to die in THIS episode. Yet watching this episode having made that prediction, I found myself fearing the worst, and I realized something. I desperately didn't want Charlie to be dead. I'm less than halfway through the first season, and already I know that I'm so attached to these character that I'm going to cry when one of them dies. It was a stark realization, as I'm sure someone will kick it, but it was also thrilling to know that I was already gripped by the story and these characters. I'm in, I realized. I'm all on in on this series. I realize I haven't seen the whole series yet, and it's premature to say this, but I think I officially consider myself a Lost fan now.

And when Jack saved Charlie, I gave a shout of joy.

So I'm in. What did I think of this episode? I enjoyed it, but I have some issues that I want to address. So that's how I'm going to start.

Kate and Jack: I was in on this ship from the beginning, and I'm not backing out now, but I haven't been loving the tension between the two of them. I can understand Jack wanting to know more about Kate's past, but he had his opportunity in Tabula Rasa to find out her secret, and he passed. He seems to be regressing now, and I don't care for it. I did like her sharing the story of her father and her going hunting when she was younger. It was forced, but I like these two getting to know each other better. 

Michael resenting Locke: I know that not everyone on the island is not going to love Locke the way I do as someone who knows what's up with him (do I know what's up with him?) but Michael trying to prevent Walt from hanging around Locke bugs me. Locke helped him find Vincent; he should be grateful and just accept him. 

Boone: I hate that Boone is around. At this point my hatred of him is admittedly irrational, but I don't care. I don't like him. Apparently the "business he runs" is part of his mother's wedding business? Loser. I'd give him props for making a "red shirt" reference, but then he ruined it by not knowing Spock's name. Boone is lame.

Now what I did like.

Bryan: Apparently Walt had "another dad" named Bryan. I want to know more of Michael and Walt's backstory soon.

The Sawyer and Sayid interaction: There was a tension from the torture that took place in Confidence Man, but surprisingly I got the vibe that these two could become from friends from this interaction. Both men regret how they acted, and want to become better men. I really hope they become buddies; (and then stage a coup against Jack) I hope we see more of that in the future.

Ethan Rom is a better hunter/tracker than Locke? Wow he's dangerous. Also, he completely destroyed Jack in their brief fight. It's going to take someone more ferocious to defeat him. Shannon perhaps?

The mysterious metal thing: I have no idea what this is. I'm going to guess that it's where the "others" are hiding. Maybe Boone and Locke will run across some crazy underground zombie society? Yeah, I doubt it, but that's my guess and I'm sticking to it!

Jack's backstory: The cliche alcoholic father plot took a cool turn in this episode when we find out that Jack's father killed a patient by going into surgery drunk. I was curious to see how this would play out, and for a while I thought that Christian (Jack's father) would be able to control his son with his flattery that rung unbelievably false to me. In fact, I think Jack would have gone along with his father's story until he found out that the woman who had died was pregnant. That extra bit of horribleness tips him over the edge, and he finally turns on his father. It wasn't incredibly shocking, but it wasn't what I expected, and I was grateful for the complexity of Jack's feelings about his father.

Charlie lives! As I already said, I cheered when Jack who had seemingly given up like Kate, just suddenly refused to let Charlie go. He brought Charlie back!

I like that we still have a hanging plot thread in not knowing what has happened to Claire.

Rating: 8 out of 10 unresolved daddy issues.

I liked this episode, and I've gotten hooked on the series, so I have nothing too horrible to say about this episode. There are a few things I didn't particularily care for, but I'm not really dwelling on those right now. I'm mostly excited to watch the next episode and find out what happens to these characters I've already grown so attached to.

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