Friday, February 3, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 7 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost Season 1 Episode 7 "The Moth":

So it's Day 8 on the Island, and there are 46 survivors left, and we now know 17 of them, having briefly met Steve and Scott this episode.


So this episode is a Charliecentric one, which is part of the reason why it took me a few days to get jazzed up enough to watch it, but once I did, I was pleasantly surprised. Charlie's backstory as a catholic who is actually feeling guilty for his new rock and role lifestyle which apparently involves threesomes was kind of funny, and it took me a while to realize that he was actually being serious in his confession to the priest. Charlie actually wanted to be in a rock band for the right reasons, as he thought it was "about the music," and to my surprise it was his brother's betrayal that lead to him turning to drugs, rather than him actually being tempted by that lifestyle on his own. I really liked how this episode took the situation full circle by having Charlie come to Liam years later to ask for his brother to return to the tour with him. I completely support  Charlie blaming his brother for what has happened to him, and even though I understand Liam's perspective from his last scene where he offers to help Charlie, I don't think he was the person for the job.

The person for the job was Locke. I enjoy the way he goes about trying to help Charlie with his recovery in this episode, and I really appreciated  the moth metaphor. That whole thing about having to gain strength from breaking out of your cocoon is a much more effective metaphor than any butterfly metaphor I've ever heard. I also love Locke trapping and skinning the boar. I hope that he's doing that in the background a lot in this show. Every scene is better when Locke is skinning an animal in the background.

Charlie's whole quest to prove that he was useful was nice to see, although I actually thought he was hallucinating in the cave. His final choice to burn his stash was predictable, but it was still nice to see. I also really like the way he bonds with Jack in this episode. The fact that Jack recognized Charlie, but didn't hold it against him makes me like Jack even more than I already do. I was sad however that Charlie seems to be the expendable member of the Cave Tribe.

Cave Tribe vs. Beach Tribe!

So, Michael used to work in construction. I really like that Michael is competent at something, so I assume that in the new society he is going to be in charge of building housing, and maybe of leading the various rescue efforts involving cave ins and structural integrity.

Jin tries to get on Sun's case about what she's wearing, and she stands up for herself. I like this. I did not like the look Michael gave her near the end of the episode. Even though I saw it coming, I don't want to see the inevitable adultery that I suspect is coming.

Apparently after eight days, Kate and Jack already really like each other, and everyone seems to know. That's kind of awkward and junior high like. That said, I really enjoyed seeing them hug. She better not end up with Sawyer, no matter how good he looks with his shirt off!

Shannon actually contributed in this episode? Boo.

So, Sayid conducted an overcomplicated scheme to find out where the mysterious signal is coming from, but before anything could come of this, he gets hit in the head by some unseen mystery person. Who the hell is this? What the hell is going on?  I know this is probably going to be some mysterious native person, or one of the mysterious survivors from the mysterious signal, but I'm going to go out on a limb and solve this mystery now. It's Sawyer. He randomly just decided to hit Sayid as a joke.

Rating: 8 out of 10 cave ins.

Good episode, although I was weary of a Charliecentric episode. I ended up enjoying his backstory with his brother, and I also really liked the moth metaphor. Nothing in this episode really rocked my world though. It was all kind of predictable, but I enjoyed the journey even though the destination was nowhere special. I still really want to learn more about Sayid and Sawyer, though. Hopefully the next episode will involve a lot of Sayid, since I assume most viewers haven't caught on to my conclusion that the mysterious attacker is Sawyer.  I promise though, that if the mysterious attacker does turn out to be Sawyer, I will give the next episode a 10 out of 10.

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