Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Five Drinks into Reality TV: To Watch or Not to Watch (III)

Tom's Take: 
     So I enjoy reality TV. Not because it's in any way "real," but rather because it is one of the few times where you can see people having ridiculous and clearly staged fights while shouting "this is real!" How can anyone resist that?

Reality gameshows are a little different, since the focus for me is not so much on the "reality" as on the competition. Still I enjoy them, and I've watched most of the seasons of Big Brother and Survivor. Now, I've never watched Amazing Race, despite there apparently being 19 seasons of it so far, but when I found out that Amazing Race 20 was going to feature Brendon and Rachel from Big Brother 12, and 13, known to most fans as Brenchel, I found myself intrigued. Brenchel was the main spectacle that attracted to Big Brother 12, the first season I watched before getting hooked and going back to watch most of the earlier seasons. Am I a Brenchel fan? That's a complicated question. The easy answer is no, but I think on some visceral level that I really am, because I love to watch these two on television. They have ridiculous fights about things like whether Rachel calls Brendon "bukey." So it comes back to the question. How can anyone resist that?

Also apparently this season is going to have a pair of clowns. So yeah. My vote is...


Sean's Take:
    Tom, you're missing the main attraction here. If we're watching The Amazing Race, it's not for Brendon and Rachel (although hearing them try to talk about chemistry might force a few teams to eliminate themselves) , nor clowns, nor for shit like this:
We're watching this for one reason and one reason alone: former San Jose Earthquakes backup goalie Andrew Weber is playing with his twin brother! You have no idea how pumped  I am for that. But if we could get some more balls to the face, that would be pretty cool too.

 I vote to watch.

Tom's Conclusion:
     No one cares about some random soccer player, but whatever. So I guess this is going to be the first new show that Five Drinks In will be talking about.I guess there's a lot about this to be excited about, and I'm sortof glad that I'm finally going to be giving the Amazing Race a chance.Will I get addicted, and feel the need to watch past seasons? Or will I end up getting bored and bailing out of this altogether? Will the Amazing Race be "amazing" or "kind of lame?" Find out as Five Drinks In covers Amazing Race 20!
Or ignore this altogether, and just rewatch some of Brenchel's classic meltdowns from BB12 and BB13.

Editor's Note: The Amazing Race premieres on February 19th at 8pm on CBS.

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