Sunday, January 29, 2012

Five Drinks Into Off the Air TV: Lost Episode 5 (I)

Tom Reviews Lost: Season 1 Episode 5: "White Rabbit"

It's Day 6 on the Island, and after a woman drowns we learn there are only 46 survivors left, and I'm assuming Vincent the dog is not one of them. Since Vincent, the dead cop, and the pilot are not counted, that means that I know who 15 out of the 46 survivors are, and can even name most of them.
15. Hurley: He says "dude" a lot, and appears to be afraid of a lot of things. Otherwise, I don't know much about him.

14. Shannon: I'm still impressed by her strong apathetic stand on matters, although she didn't contribute much to this episode. I just love Shannon though. I think I want to go back and watch the scene in the pilot where she decided to sun bathe near all the dead bodies.

13. Walter: The black kid. He doesn't appear to contribute much to the show at this point now that he's got his dog back.

12. Michael: Walter's father.

11. Rose: The older black woman, who I don't remember seeing in this episode.

10. Sun: The Asian woman who doesn't speak any English. She seems to want to try and fit in with the other survivors more, but her husband wants to keep to themselves and show that he can take care of her on his own.

9. Sun's husband: I think he loves Sun, but I'm not really sure it's requited. He seems to be really harsh and strict with Sun, and I don't think she likes that. I have a feeling that he's going to have his heart broken.

8. Claire: I think we're seeing the beginnings of a Claire/Charlie ship, which I assume will be broken up when she discovers that Charlie is a junkie. I'm also willing to predict right now that she either never gives birth to that baby, or she does at like the series finale or something. Something about this pregnancy is mystical. Her fainting in this episode provided good drama though. Everyone cares much more about her, since she's pregnant. Other than that though, all I'm getting from her is the sentimentality she showed in the last episode. I'm not seeing much depth to her character.

7. Charlie: Let's spend more time talking about DriveShaft! He has some chemistry with Claire, and I think the two of them together are kinda cute, but I'm still down on him for his drug habit. I will give him points though for going to get Claire water without a second thought, despite knowing about the water shortage. Not very smart, but I like seeing that he cares about her enough to ignore pragmatism.

6. Sayid: I want to know more about Sayid. Everything I know about him so far endears me to like him. He's smart, capable, and takes an active hand in trying to solve the various problems the survivors face. It's time we get a flashback to find out more about him.

5. Locke: His scene with Jack on the cliff was rather awkward. Are there any Jack/Locke shippers out there? I bet there are. I like that Locke appears to be in the know about how weird this island is. I'm enjoying how everyone on this show appears to have a unique perspective on what is going on around them, and his appears to be that "this is all really awesome!" That's not a quote from the episode, that's just how I would characterize his thoughts.

4. Kate: I hope that in the coming episodes that the survivors start to try and build a society on the island, and that they each take a familiar role, and I hope that Kate's role is the Sheriff. She's clearly Jack's right hand, so her taking a position enforcing the rules would make sense, and be ironic considering her past as a criminal. Sawyer gave Kate the badge in jest, but I like this idea, and I hope the writers go somewhere with it.

3. Sawyer: I like that Sawyer is an ass, and since everyone thinks this, he's just decided to go with it. Not only did he steal from the dead, and try and profit from everyone's desperation, but he acted like a douche doing it. I never suspected Sawyer stole the water, because he was TOO obvious of a suspect. When it comes to shipping, I usually go for the unconventional couple. I'm assuming that there's a divide among fans between Kate/Jack and Kate/Sawyer, and as the guy who likes the roguish underdog(Pacey) I should be cheering for the latter. I assume the writers will at some point manage to flip me to the Kate/Sawyer fandom, but nevertheless, I've decided I'm going to root for Jack/Kate. It's early to be planting my ship flag, I know, but I'm doing it anyways. Sorry Sawyer. Maybe you can get together with Shannon.

2. Boone. I hate Boone. He is my least favorite character right now.  Firstly, he distracts Jack from saving the drowning woman by going out and nearly drowning himself. Then he complains that Jack rescued him. Then he causes a massive problem in the camp by deciding for no apparent reason to steal the last of the water. He gets caught, and complains some more. He's literally been less helpful than Shannon, because at least she doesn't make everything worse by attempting to help in such an idiotic way. I'm glad the survivors now hate him even more than Sawyer, because Sawyer is at least competent at his villainy. Boone just sucks.

1. Jack. Ha! I called it! The ghost vision was Jack's father! He has father issues! Yes! I was right! Okay, but actually I was sort of disappointed that the writers made this obvious choice. An alcoholic father is sort of a cliche. It does make sense though, especially why Jack was drinking so much in his flashback on the plane. Overall, I was sort of disappointed with Jack's whole wandering around in the jungle remembering his father treating him badly, and the going to Australia to find his father's body. It worked, but it was nothing special, until the scene where he begged the woman at the airport to let him take his father back to the states so he could just be done with the whole ordeal. I enjoyed that take on it, and I liked him smashing the coffin when he found it empty. Ghosts are fucking inconvenient, and I shared Jack's frustration.

What I really enjoyed about Jack's storyline in this episode, was him basically formalizing his role as leader. He stepped into the role during the chaos of the pilot, and I liked that everyone naturally got used to thinking of him that way. In this episode, he sort of realizes that he's taken on that role and doesn't want it, in large part because of his father issues and thinking that he's going crazy. However, the survivors need a leader, and Jack is the man for the job. Part of that is because as a doctor, he's competent enough to handle the responsibility, and another part of it appears to be that it's his mystical destiny. His random soul search for a ghost vision of his father leads him to water the camp so desperately needs? Yeah, he's clearly got some mojo working on his behalf.

Rating: 8 out of 10 smashed up empty coffins.

This episode was heading for a 5 or 6 out of 10 until the last eight minutes. Jack accepting his role of leader, and finally forcing everyone to confront the fact that they're not going to be rescued was awesome.I hope this means that the next episode will focus on the survivors trying to figure out how to build their new society on the island. I also can't wait for what I assume is inevitable; Sawyer trying to stage a coup and seize power for himself. I hope Boone dies in the rebellion.

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