Thursday, June 19, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Big Brother 16 Cast Preview

Tom's Take:

So based on thirty seconds of looking at these HG's let's make wild predictions on how the next 90 days will play out with them.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Five Drinks Into Reality TV: Discussing Tony's Win

Tom's Take:

I would like to apologize for how late this is in coming. I got really bogged down there for a while, and didn't get a chance to review the last few episodes of Survivor. So since the finale is long gone and we all know who won already, I think I'll just dedicate this post to dissecting this great season of Survivor as a whole.

First of congratulations to Team TV for winning the season. You earned it, although I was rooting for Woo to make the right decision there at the end, Tony was a great winner.